Fossil Fuel: Team Photos 2003

Photos straight from Fossil Fuel H.Q.

A pick-up truck load heading to Trivia HQ.

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when 
he is old he will not turn from it."  Proverbs 22:6

How'd we do that hour?

"Ethan, if you think you know, you must speak up."

All is well early in the contest, but...

...after a few hours they are sleep trivia-ing. 

He was working so hard, but nap time hit hard.
Jen looks disappointed.

I can't come up with anything for this one...
Does it need comment?

John (Papa) holding Ethan.  The Jake to the left....

How'd they all get under there?

Matt.  Sesame Street Playhouse.
What else is there to say?

For the record, Pete never sleeps in the Trivia room.

Megan and some goofily packaged Kool-Aid.

The best Red Bull is free Red Bull.

Maybe we should have given Megan some 
Red Bull instead of that Kool-Aid.  Jen too.

Megan and Dad checking out...something.

Bonnie, always know where the camera is.

Bonnie promised to be back before dawn.

Rachel.  Was she sleeping?  Isn't that grin a bit sheepish?
The Wall of Fame
Get a 100+ pointer or other significant question in the team's opinion, 
get your picture taken with Sinclair, the team mascot.



Missing Photos:

Bonnie & John

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